U.S Weapons That Will Bring Iran to its Knees

Fighting Iran would be far worse than Iraq–but America has the tools to do some major damage.

In the event of an armed conflict with Iran, the single-seat, twin-engine F-22 would be integral in the opening minutes as the U.S. sought to gain air superiority over Iranian skies. Unfortunately for Iran, this is the exact type of mission for which the F-22 was built. Iran’s military would have little effective recourse against the F-22.

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F-22 Raptor.

The F-22 can be adapted a variety of missions, including attacking ground targets, electronic warfare and collecting signals intelligence.


They dont call it spirit for nothing. The B-2 is a key component of America’s long-range strike arsenal, and one of the most survivable aircraft in the world. It was designed to penetrate the Soviet Unions dense air defense system without detection and delivery tactical nuclear weapons.

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B-2 Stealth bomber.

This is what makes the B-2 stealth bomber so key to any American attack on Iran’s nuclear program. Not only can it penetrate heavily defended areas, and elude sophisticated anti-air defense systems, but it boasts incredible range with the ability to fly “6,000 nautical miles unrefueled and 10,000 nautical miles with just one aerial refueling.”

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B-2 Spirit during aerial refueling.

The B-2 stealth bomber can also carry an extensive payload, and deliver precision strikes, both of which would be necessary to ensure the U.S. destroyed the nuclear facilities in as few waves of attacks as possible. As Northrup again explains, each B-2 can “carry more than 20 tons of conventional and nuclear ordnance and deliver it precisely under any weather conditions.”

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Cockpit of the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber.

GBU-57A/B Massive Ordnance Penetrator:

The B-2 bomber is also crucial to a U.S. strike against Iran’s nuclear program in another regard. Namely, it is the only aircraft capable of carrying the Air Force’s GBU-57A/B Massive Ordnance Penetrator.

If the U.S. decided to attack Iran’s nuclear program, it would almost certainly use the MOP to destroy Iran’s Fordow nuclear enrichment site, which is buried deep inside a mountain.


America’s fleet of Ohio Class submarines are carries 120 cruise missiles that can be launched from any part of the globe with deadly precision. Its designed to take out enemy air defences from incredible stand-off distances.

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